Thursday, July 26, 2012

People Who Whistle

There are a few things I really hate in life. Of these things that I hate, there a few that are just general, non-situational, every-single-f*cking-time, without-a-doubt, HATE.  Now let me preface this by saying that I don't hate whistling because I can't do it. I can whistle very well, so if need be, I could very much save your life (you know, while you're in the ocean... (cue the JAWS theme song) and a vicious great white is about to enjoy your leg as a snack... I'd whistle make you aware, so you could turn around and bop that little f*cking on the nose). That being said, I hate people who walk around (the street, office, mall, supermarket, music store, ANYWHERE) whistling.

My argument is really simple:
Talking and whistling are both forms of expression.
Both have tone, pitch, volume.
Both reflect a thought, feeling, behavior...etc...

So why wouldn't they both have the same "rules?"

Why can one be socially acceptable while the other raises people's eyebrows...?

Situation 1 Ex: Dr. C (you might know who I'm talking about) walks around the halls whistling to himself. And by whistling I mean verse-by-verse of some stupid song. His steps even start to go along with tune. The more he gets-into-it the even louder his whistling becomes. Let's face it -- he's one jolly mofo.

Situation 2 Ex: Dr. C (If we are remotely friends from graduate school you totally know who I am talking about) walks around the halls talking to himself. And by talking I mean having a full on conversation. As he discusses something he is conflicted about his speech becomes louder and louder. Let's face it - he's one crazy-ass mofo.

If it isn't NORMAL to walk around talking to yourself;
It shouldn't be "NORMAL" to walk around whistling to yourself.

Furthermore; It's a terrible habit that's annoying frustrating, and just rude! -- (( Did you (the whistler) ever think maybe I'm (the innocent bystander) trying to maintain concentration while I shop for nude pumps???.. and thanks, your own theme song is really killing my shopping buzz!))

Listen, you don't have to agree with me, that's fine (everyone is entitled to be wrong) but next time your out somewhere, in public, wait, listen, and watch those weirdos walking around whistling and tell me they aren't a few cents short of a dollar!

You're welcome. I might have just changed your life.


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