Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Candy Corn Kisses!

For those of you who know me, you probably know I am very particular about my Chocolate treats ( I tend to only enjoy the best; h e l l o, godiva!). 
Strangely enough, a few years ago I stumbled upon my ultimate, favorite, fabulous, treat - the ♥ Hershey's Candy Corn Kisses. ♥ These tiny loves of my life have brought me great joy. Oddly, I was unable to find them at 3 (local) targets (they are target exclusives - and were not online) -- so I took the practical approach and called Hershey directly. GASP! I am sad and disappointed to announce: Hershey's will no longer be making, and/or distributing the Candy Corn Kisses!!!

I will now make it my duty to find another Candy Corn chocolate treat. 
Any suggestions are welcomed.


After a lot of  careful research I have outlined what treats I will try (if I can get my adorable little hands on them.) These include:

5. CANDY CORN SALTWATER TAFFY (gross I am sure).

p.s. - I realize only one of these are a chocolate treat. I am thinking a little "outside the box" :)

Get excited people! 

Monday, September 10, 2012


There are a few things in life that you will never forget. No matter how old, educated, disassociated, or intoxicated you get, some things are so ingrained in your mind you could never escape them. 09.11.01 is a day in history that everyone (that was at least 5-years-old (in 2001)) will never forget. I will probably write a much bigger post about this tomorrow - or the day after - but there are somethings I wanted to post -- not to make others sad, but to remind people how precious life is, and how there is always a hero among us.

An Amazing Hero - The Man In The Red Bandana - Wells Crowther

The Story Of  9/11 Widows (including a previous teacher of mine).




UPDATE: Still broke.

FURTHER UPDATE: I still want to be beautiful!

There are a lot of things I will spend (a lot) of money on.

My hair - highlights, lowlights, keratin, cuts, blow-dry, sulfate-free shampoo!
My face - retinol-a, facial, tons of creams and wrinkle releasers.
Money on mani/pedi's, all sorts of clothing, shoes, and accessories, food, and entertainment.

Of course, during this time these luxuries are few, and far between....

But - I refuse to give up my beauty!

 For the longest time now I have wanted to get Latisse. For those of you who don't know what that is (and live under a television-less rock), it is a liquid that is applied to the lash line to make your eyelashes grow in fuller, longer, darker, and much more fabulous. For obvious reasons Latisse is not covered by insurance (and for the record, it will not be covered by "Obama care" either), and the cost ranges from state to state. The cost is inconsistent because in some states you can get the product from a doctor's office, while in other states (like mine, freaking New York!), you have to get a prescription from a doctor, and fill it at a pharmacy.  The cost ranges - $75 - $180 - so it isn't a ton of money - but - I don't want to spend $180 dollars for something if I don't have to. Also - this cost is for a 1-2 month supply. Some people use this product for 6-9 months to get the desired effect. That being said -- I began to google -- see if there are any alternate treatments out there - and if the cost was worth it.

Most similar  growth serums seem about the same - made from a few drug components I don't really recognize (or pronounce) - but - it seems - mostly comprised from things like "vitamins" "proteins" and honey (really?). These serums are much cheaper (around $50 for a 3 month supply) BUT - are not evaluated, or approved by the FDA.

I decided I would try some "at-home" treatments. They are cheaper, and safer (I hope).  After a lot of google- research I have decided the best test treatment for me is the "Vaseline Treatment".

For the next 6 weeks I will be applying Vaseline to my eyelashes at night (before bed). Rumor has it the Vaseline strengthens the eyelashes, moisturizes them, and conditions them -- causing them to grow in longer and thicker.

I will be documenting my eyelash growth every week.

This is how it began: 

I will keep posting my results!



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Makeup Repair!


So as most of you know I am not fully employed at the moment.  I really enjoy shopping - and with the seasons changing -- and my inability to buy new things for fall slowly becoming more apparent - I am beginning to contemplate selling a kidney on the black market (a girl could buy a lot of shoes with $200,000!!!). With limited income, I don't have much to go on - and I am starting to become very creative (to avoid a major depression).

 I always enjoyed makeup, and I have a ton of it - the "everyday stuff", "party shadows", "wild lipsticks", "fall in lover with me sparkle mascara"... etc (looking for a boyfriend? I have amazing full and long faux eyelashes!). Furthermore, I sometimes catch myself daydreaming about:  MAC, Bare Minerals, Estee Lauder, Clinque, Sephora, Smashbox, NARS, and Bobbi Brown. (These cosmetics are expensive: ranging from $8-$65+) Needless to say this has been a very interesting summer - and sadly, I have reached the bottom of a few compacts. Instead of allowing myself to shop-lift, I decided the most legal/best option was to go through my mother's "old" makeup. (For those of you who have never met my mother she really, really, enjoys accessories. She has tons of coats, amazingly beautiful jewelery, and maybe 70 pairs of shoes; I assumed she must have had at least 30 different lipsticks, and a ton of eyeshadows, liners, pencils, etc...). Thankfully, my mother once worked at Nordstroms -- so she has a ton of the "good stuff" -- and a pretty big variety -- but -- a lot of the mineral eyeshadow were crumbled, broken, and messy.

My amazing mother let me take pretty much everything I wanted (except one NARS compact and a few eyeliners) -- BUT -- before I could claim my "shopping" a success, I had to figure out what to do about the broken eyeshadows. After a few google searches, and youtube videos -- I present you with the best, easiest, and cheapest way to fix broken, crumbly, messy eyeshadow: 

Materials Needed: 
1 plastic ziplock bag (the smaller; the easier)
A baby wipe (or wet napkin)
1 cotton Q-tip
Rubbing alcohol

STEP 1: Place the open eyeshadow compact in the plastic ziplock bag. Put all the shadow powder in the bag.

STEP 2: Clean out the compact with a baby wipe, and then dry with napkin.

STEP 3: Fill-up the rubbing alcohol's cap with alcohol.

STEP 4: Take the Q-tip - dip it in the alcohol and line the inside of the compact (just wipe the wet Q-tip inside the compact).

STEP 5: Slowly pour the loose powder back into the compact.

STEP 6: Slowly put a drop or two of rubbing alcohol in the compact - mixing the alcohol and powder with the tip of the Q-tip.

STEP 7: Mix the powder and alcohol together; slowly adding a drop (or two) of alcohol at a time until it mixes and becomes a thick paste.

STEP 8: Smooth out the paste - leave compact open - and dry over night.

*The next morning you will have your old, broken, crumbly, eyeshadow looking, feeling, and functioning like new! (And probably rid of any yucky bacteria!)*

Hopefully, this will save many broken, crumbly, 
and messy eyeshadows!

Don't waste your money people! 
(unless it's on me!!!)



I Am So Proud To Be A Violet!

Wondering what made me the great writer I am today????

Thank You NYU!

The New Ivies - 2013 - College/University Ranking
